Blog posts

Discover the first version of the PID Monitor. It provides valuable insights into the distribution and evolution of different types of persistent…

Developments and challenges in the field of Current Research Information Systems (CRIS)

This year's Open-Access-Tage the central conference on open access in the German-speaking world, took place in Cologne from September 10 to 12. Under…

The description of device specifications can take a lot of time and effort to publish, especially if this information is not stored in a standardized…

Review of the first PIDfest in Prague

A comprehensive article on the conclusions and results of the ORCID DE project is now available in English.

We will discontinue our engagement on the social media platform X (formerly Twitter) by the end of this year.

Via Base4NFDI the "PID4NFDI" project, a basic service application to support NFDI consortia in the application, usage, and implementation of PIDs.

Comparison guide, checklist, and use cases published for the development of national PID strategies.