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Report on the euroCRIS conference 2024 #SMM2024 in Paris

Developments and challenges in the field of Current Research Information Systems (CRIS)

The euroCRIS Strategic Membership Meeting 2024 (#SMM2024) took place in Paris from 26 to 28 November 2024. It was hosted by the renowned Institut National de Recherche pour l'Agriculture, l'Alimentation et l'Environnement (INRAE), which is known for its cutting-edge research in the fields of agriculture, the environment and sustainable development. The conference provided a platform for specialists, scientists and IT experts to discuss current developments and challenges in the field of current research information systems (CRIS).

Topics and focal points of the conference

The two and a half days of the euroCRIS Conference 2024 were characterised by inspiring keynotes, an exciting workshop on CERIF and interactive discussions with a panel discussion. The focus was on topics such as:

1. Integration of CRIS and Open Science: how can research information systems help to promote Open Science practices? Examples of institutions that have implemented innovative approaches to data networking and publication promotion were presented.

2. Interoperability and standardisation: A particular focus was on the use and further development of the CERIF standard (Common European Research Information Format) for the harmonisation of data structures for interoperability.

3.  Artificial intelligence in research: Several presentations dealt with the use of AI to optimise research processes, from automatically improving the quality of metadata to setting up an AI working group

4. Persistent Identifiers (PIDs): Persistent identifiers, which also play a decisive role in interoperability, form the basis for the interaction of the various units and the information objects obtained from them. 

The PID Network was able to contribute to the discussion with a presentation providing an overview of PIDs in Germany and a brief introduction to the PID Monitor monitoring tool. 

Keynote by Michael Alaux: Keynote by Michael Alaux: The Deputy Director of the INRAE URGI Unit and Chair of the WheatIS Expert Working Group spoke about the role of CRIS in fostering disciplinary and multidisciplinary collaboration. The presentation emphasised the importance of well-structured research databases in solving complex global challenges in the field of global wheat research and highlighted the research information in systems such as WheatIS and WheatVIVO.

Keynote by Prof. Ludo Waltman: AAs Scientific Director of the Centre for Science and Technology Studies (CWTS) at Leiden University and Professor of Quantitative Science Studies, he coordinates the focus areas ‘Information and Openness’ and is a member of the focus area ‘Evaluation and Culture’. In his keynote, he provided insights into the initiative Barcelona Declaration on Open Research Information.

Various approaches to the development of national databases for research equipment and infrastructures were discussed in a panel discussion: experts from national, regional and institutional research organisations came together to talk about trends and future requirements.

Networking: Of particular importance in this conference format is the personal exchange with key players, including Dr Petersohn from the Commission for Research Information in Germany (KFiD), Ms Gruenpeter from Software Heritage and Balviar Notay from JISC. The conference also provided ample time for discussions with representatives of national initiatives such as Joonas Nikkanen from and Jan Erik Garshol from the NVA in Norway, who enriched the interdisciplinary and international dialogue.

Venue: INRAE Paris

The INRAE provided an ideal backdrop for the conference. Its first-class research infrastructure and its location in the heart of Paris made the event a highlight not only professionally but also culturally.


The euroCRIS 2024 conference in Paris was a complete success. It showed that research information systems will play a key role in science in the 21st century. The conference was a significant step towards an even stronger integration of technology, science and society. All conference papers are available in the euroCRIS repository.

We are already looking forward to the next euroCRIS meetings and conferences:

  • The spring conference 2025 will take place from 13 to 15 May in Leuven (Belgium),
  • the autumn conference 2025 will be hosted by the Izmir Institute of Technology in Turkey and
  • the CRIS2026 conference will be held in Novi Sad (Serbia).

We look forward to continuing to develop ideas for the CRIS community.



Report on the euroCRIS conference 2024 #SMM2024 in Paris

Developments and challenges in the field of Current Research Information Systems (CRIS)

The euroCRIS Strategic Membership Meeting 2024 (#SMM2024) took place in Paris from 26 to 28 November 2024. It was hosted by the renowned Institut National de Recherche pour l'Agriculture, l'Alimentation et l'Environnement (INRAE), which is known for its cutting-edge research in the fields of agriculture, the environment and sustainable development. The conference provided a platform for specialists, scientists and IT experts to discuss current developments and challenges in the field of current research information systems (CRIS).

Topics and focal points of the conference

The two and a half days of the euroCRIS Conference 2024 were characterised by inspiring keynotes, an exciting workshop on CERIF and interactive discussions with a panel discussion. The focus was on topics such as:

1. Integration of CRIS and Open Science: how can research information systems help to promote Open Science practices? Examples of institutions that have implemented innovative approaches to data networking and publication promotion were presented.

2. Interoperability and standardisation: A particular focus was on the use and further development of the CERIF standard (Common European Research Information Format) for the harmonisation of data structures for interoperability.

3.  Artificial intelligence in research: Several presentations dealt with the use of AI to optimise research processes, from automatically improving the quality of metadata to setting up an AI working group

4. Persistent Identifiers (PIDs): Persistent identifiers, which also play a decisive role in interoperability, form the basis for the interaction of the various units and the information objects obtained from them. 

The PID Network was able to contribute to the discussion with a presentation providing an overview of PIDs in Germany and a brief introduction to the PID Monitor monitoring tool. 

Keynote by Michael Alaux: Keynote by Michael Alaux: The Deputy Director of the INRAE URGI Unit and Chair of the WheatIS Expert Working Group spoke about the role of CRIS in fostering disciplinary and multidisciplinary collaboration. The presentation emphasised the importance of well-structured research databases in solving complex global challenges in the field of global wheat research and highlighted the research information in systems such as WheatIS and WheatVIVO.

Keynote by Prof. Ludo Waltman: AAs Scientific Director of the Centre for Science and Technology Studies (CWTS) at Leiden University and Professor of Quantitative Science Studies, he coordinates the focus areas ‘Information and Openness’ and is a member of the focus area ‘Evaluation and Culture’. In his keynote, he provided insights into the initiative Barcelona Declaration on Open Research Information.

Various approaches to the development of national databases for research equipment and infrastructures were discussed in a panel discussion: experts from national, regional and institutional research organisations came together to talk about trends and future requirements.

Networking: Of particular importance in this conference format is the personal exchange with key players, including Dr Petersohn from the Commission for Research Information in Germany (KFiD), Ms Gruenpeter from Software Heritage and Balviar Notay from JISC. The conference also provided ample time for discussions with representatives of national initiatives such as Joonas Nikkanen from and Jan Erik Garshol from the NVA in Norway, who enriched the interdisciplinary and international dialogue.

Venue: INRAE Paris

The INRAE provided an ideal backdrop for the conference. Its first-class research infrastructure and its location in the heart of Paris made the event a highlight not only professionally but also culturally.


The euroCRIS 2024 conference in Paris was a complete success. It showed that research information systems will play a key role in science in the 21st century. The conference was a significant step towards an even stronger integration of technology, science and society. All conference papers are available in the euroCRIS repository.

We are already looking forward to the next euroCRIS meetings and conferences:

  • The spring conference 2025 will take place from 13 to 15 May in Leuven (Belgium),
  • the autumn conference 2025 will be hosted by the Izmir Institute of Technology in Turkey and
  • the CRIS2026 conference will be held in Novi Sad (Serbia).

We look forward to continuing to develop ideas for the CRIS community.